Director | PADI Course Director | PADI Rebreather Instructor | Emergency First Responder Instructor Trainer

I remember the exact moment I fell in love with the water. I was 4 years old.
My parents had taken myself and my brother on holiday in Spain & I distinctly remember a seal shaped buoyancy ring in which I was plopped!! That was it!! Water was in my heart, and that’s where it’s stayed ever since.
15 years later, I did a try-dive in Ibiza, which affected me so profoundly I decided to focus my attention on making scuba diving my hobby. I did my PADI Open Water in the UK at the beautiful Stoney Cove & that was that, I was hooked.
Ultimately & with the bit firmly between my teeth I climbed the professional PADI ladder to Divemaster in 2007 and became a PADI OWSI & EFR instructor in 2010. Along the way I achieved my PADI Closed Circuit Re Breather Instructor in 2014 and I am truly proud of having received the prestigious PADI Elite Instructor award continually 2013 – 2021.
There is so much I want to give back to diving, and so much more I want to see. I am now in the privileged position of being a PADI Course Director so I can focus on developing new instructors & my phenomenal team who are the ones that introduce the next generation of divers to the beautiful under sea world.
I am lucky, but so can you be, live your life, dive the dream