WHAT A WEEK; from tickling whiskers on a Grey Seal in the Farnes to the pool to rinsing Scuba Kit! Never a dull moment 🙂

A grey seal in the Farnes Islands

THE FARNES were simply amazing, we managed two great days of diving, as always thank you to Andrew & Team at Sovereign Diving Ltd for looking after us.

IN THE POOL we say welcome to Logan starting his PADI Open Water course & welcome to Ben & Emily enjoying some fun PADI Discover Scuba Dives. Great to see our PADI Seals Thomas, Oliver, Oliver W & Bertie enjoying more Aqua Missions.

GREAT to see Ian, Rosie, Peter, Daniel, Lydia, Thomas, Bella, Amy & Kiera smashing more skills on their PADI Open Water Courses.

FULL FACE MASK (Exciting) Our Ian attended a two day course with Craig at Ocean Reef, the first step to becoming an Instructor & allowing us to offer you a Full Face Mask experience, courses and merchandise. Watch this space!!!

THANK YOU to the wondrous dive team – Ian, Gaz M, Lucy, Margaret, Claire, Ben, Mark W, Mark F & Hannah.

8 ACRE on Thursday, then again on Saturday & Sunday if you want to tag along. Have a great week everyone, Hotch & Vic

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In other news...

A Proper Stellar Weekend

NOW THAT’s a Stellar weekend. CONGRATULATIONS to Daniel on becoming a PADI Rescue Diver over at Scuba Dream on Sunday. WELCOME Andrew & Conrad to your PADI