Weekly Update: What a great week, we ran an EFR course on Saturday and I’m very happy to say that Hayley, Mick & Steve are now fully fledged Emergency First Responders, and good to see the seasoned Pro’s Seasick & Major refreshed and renewed also. Saturday also saw the start of Mic & Karl’s OWSI proper, a few weeks of hard work and they will be joining the instructor ranks. Good luck gents, you will be great!

Active Nation LogoSundays pool was a full one, welcome Jason & Gonsalo great DSD’s in the expert hands of Sean & Major. Well done Athena, confined 3 done with ease, well done also Nigel, Danielle & Karen confined 4 done, beautiful hovers. Huge congratulations to Lucy, all your confined finished for your referral, Egypt here you come. Best of luck, enjoy the warm water 🙂 Good to see More Kit Malone back in the water along with Martin & Molly. Welcome back Tracey for an early morning swim, and a massive thank you to Lance, you make Sundays so easy.

Remember no pool next weekend as we are away in Capernwray. Have a good week, Hotch & Vic

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A Proper Stellar Weekend

NOW THAT’s a Stellar weekend. CONGRATULATIONS to Daniel on becoming a PADI Rescue Diver over at Scuba Dream on Sunday. WELCOME Andrew & Conrad to your PADI