And another great one, Major is on the mend, all sorts in the pipeline and a full on weekend of diving; bubble free, pool and Blue Lagoon great. Congratulations to Dave & Joe Kershaw for becoming certified Dry Suit Divers today, long day but great day and fantastic job gents, expertly done and now on to Advanced Open Water……Beautiful. Well done Becky, Neil & Scott on your first pool session towards your Open Water cert Mrs Hotch says you are all just a bit fantastic. Nice to see, Nat & Mark again, pleasure as always, look forward to getting you dry suit qualified next month. Great as always to see Lance & our own David Bailey Lewis Hicks, thank you to Mr Chris (Seasick, cheese monster) Houghton, Mic (the special) Martin & the vision that is Mr D for excellent DMing. Good to see Neil again and a Sunday treat having Chris & Wanda along for breakfast. Have a great week everyone, see you on the 30th (Unfortunately there is no pool next Sunday)
UK Diving – What a beautiful thing
UK DIVING – is a unique thing it’s safe to say! ON a two day trip the group managed one day of great diving (minus