And breath 🙂 Another great & busy week; congratulations to Steve & Rox on completing your pool sessions (We see that PADI wished you well also Rox 🙂 ) now on to your qualifying dives and your PADI Open Water certs and beyond! Great to welcome, Philip, Cathie, Lawra & Rob onto your PADI Open Water course what a great first session.

Capernwray -Stellar Divers Lincoln Scuba Diving
Welcome also Jess, & nice to see Martin & Lesley again great scuba tune up’s with our Major, we are looking forward to seeing you again.

Always nice to see Darren & Sarah for swim arounds, thanks to Neil for your assistance, don’t forget we are also at Stoney Cove if you fancy a mid week dip on Tue & Wed. Have a great week everyone, Hotch & Vic

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In other news...

A Proper Stellar Weekend

NOW THAT’s a Stellar weekend. CONGRATULATIONS to Daniel on becoming a PADI Rescue Diver over at Scuba Dream on Sunday. WELCOME Andrew & Conrad to your PADI