TWO POOLS – One Open Water & a full on Sunday in the Hub – Just Beautiful 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS to Steve on becoming a PADI Dry Suit Divers at Scuba Dream on Sunday & congratulations also to Will, Dan & Daniel on getting the fantastic Emergency First Response certification.
IN the Pool we welcome Jordan, Greg, Georgina, Helen, Aidan, & James enjoying the always fun PADI Discover Scuba Dive. Welcome also Emma, Amelia, Isaac, Jon, Jane & Grant to your PADI Open Water Course, what a great start.
GREAT to see Kim, Conrad, Andrew & Glenn pressing on beautifully on your PADI Open Water Course.
LOVELY as always to see our Seals Clayton & Fraser enjoying some more great Aqua Missions & always grand to see Darren, Sarah, Oliver, Dave & Reid enjoying full on swim arounds.
IT WAS IDC kick off on Sunday Welcome Sean & Carl to your PADI Instructor journey – what a great time you will have.
AS always a HUGE thank you to the dazzling dive team, Gaz M, Chris, Phil, Nic, Ben, Steve, Marco, Gaz W, Julez, Claire, Hannah, Sean, Carl
HAVE a stunning week everyone Hotch & Vic